您现在的位置: 首页 > PDF > 74F114 共找到 7条符合 74F114 的信息
74F114  Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Common Clocks and Clears
厂商: FAIRCHILD[Fairchild Semiconductor] 查看供应商
74F114PC  Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Common Clocks and Clears
厂商: FAIRCHILD[Fairchild Semiconductor] 查看供应商
74F114SC  Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Common Clocks and Clears
厂商: FAIRCHILD[Fairchild Semiconductor] 查看供应商
N74F114D  Dual J-K negative edge-triggered flip-flop with common clock and reset
厂商: PHILIPS[NXP Semiconductors] 查看供应商
N74F114N  Dual J-K negative edge-triggered flip-flop with common clock and reset
厂商: PHILIPS[NXP Semiconductors] 查看供应商
74F114SCX  Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop w/Common Clocks and Clears
厂商: Fairchild Semiconductor查看供应商
74F114PCX  Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop with Common Clocks and Clears
厂商: Fairchild Semiconductor查看供应商

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