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GS8160Z18BT-200T  18Mb Pipelined and Flow Through Synchronous NBT SRAM
厂商: ETC[ETC] 查看供应商
GS8160Z18BT-200IV  18Mb Pipelined and Flow Through Synchronous NBT SRAM
厂商: GSI[GSI Technology] 查看供应商
GS8160Z18BT-200V  18Mb Pipelined and Flow Through Synchronous NBT SRAM
厂商: GSI[GSI Technology] 查看供应商
GS8160Z18BT-200  18Mb Pipelined and Flow Through Synchronous NBT SRAM
厂商: ETC[ETC] 查看供应商
GS8160Z18BT-200I  18Mb Pipelined and Flow Through Synchronous NBT SRAM
厂商: ETC[ETC] 查看供应商
GS8160Z18BT-200IT  18Mb Pipelined and Flow Through Synchronous NBT SRAM
厂商: ETC[ETC] 查看供应商

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