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NB3N508SDTG   3.3 V, 216 MHz PureEdge鈩?VCXO Clock Generator with MLVDS Output 
厂商: ON 查看供应商
NB3N508SDTR2G   3.3 V, 216 MHz PureEdge鈩?VCXO Clock Generator with MLVDS Output 
厂商: ON 查看供应商
NB3N508S  3.3V, 216 MHz PureEdge VCXO Clock Generator with M−LVDS Output
厂商: ONSEMI[ON Semiconductor] 查看供应商
NB3N508SDTG  3.3V, 216 MHz PureEdge VCXO Clock Generator with M−LVDS Output
厂商: ONSEMI[ON Semiconductor] 查看供应商
NB3N508SDTR2G  3.3V, 216 MHz PureEdge VCXO Clock Generator with M−LVDS Output
厂商: ONSEMI[ON Semiconductor] 查看供应商
NB3N508S_06  3.3V, 216 MHz PureEdge VCXO Clock Generator with M−LVDS Output
厂商: ONSEMI[ON Semiconductor] 查看供应商

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