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TDA9886  I2C-bus controlled single and multistandard alignment-free IF-PLL demodulators
厂商: PHILIPS 查看供应商
TDA9886T/V4  I2C-bus controlled single and multistandard alignment-free IF-PLL demodulators
厂商: PHILIPS[Philips Semiconductors] 查看供应商
TDA9886TS/V4  I2C-bus controlled single and multistandard alignment-free IF-PLL demodulators
厂商: PHILIPS[Philips Semiconductors] 查看供应商
TDA9886HN/V4  I2C-bus controlled single and multistandard alignment-free IF-PLL demodulators
厂商: PHILIPS[Philips Semiconductors] 查看供应商
TDA9886  I2C-bus controlled single and multistandard alignment-free IF-PLL demodulators
厂商: PHILIPS[Philips Semiconductors] 查看供应商

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